Mikki630's Breast Cancer Chronicle
About Me
About Breast Biopsies
Understanding your Pathology Report
Ports for Chemotherapy
Pictures--Hairloss and Regrowth Timeline
Our Experience
Attitude is EVERYTHING
Your Kids, Your Cancer
Women's Health & Cancer Rights Act of 1998
Reconstruction Photos--WARNING!!! GRAPHIC
Paget's Disease of the Nipple
The Breast Self Exam (BSE)
Breast Cysts
Nipple Discharge
Understanding Fibrocystic Breasts
My Journal

Sometimes "lumps is just lumps"

FIBROADENOMAS (fy-bro-add-n-OH-muh)

Another common non-malignant lump is the fibroadenoma. This is a smooth, round, hard lump, which feels like a marble. It is a solid, rubbery mass most common in women in their 20's and 30's.


The appearance on ultrasound is very distinct-- with smooth egdes and a homogenous (even) pattern within the mass.


It moves around easily within the breast tissue. It is often found near the nipple, but can grow anywhere in the breast. A doctor can usually tell simply by feeling the lump that it's a fibroadenoma and to be certain the doctor can collect a few cells through a fine needle aspiration, a core biopsy or an incisional or excisional biopsy and send them off to the lab.


In most cases, a woman has only one fibroadenoma; it's removed, and she never gets another. But we also have patients who are "repeat offenders." They are more common in African-American women than in Caucasian women.


Teenagers are both more prone to fibroadenomas and less likely to get breast cancer than are older women, so we do not remove fibroadenomas in teens.


In women who are middle -aged or older, we tend to remove all fibroadenomas to be sure they're not cancer.


Fibroadenomas in no way predispose you to cancer. They're a nuisance, and they can scare you into thinking you might have cancer -- but that's the worst thing about them.


The cause is not known; however, some research suggests that increased fat consumption may play a role. The highest incidence is in women from the teen years into the 20s. Fibroadenomas rarely develop after the age of 30. Single or multiple fibroadenomas may develop in one or both breasts. Most will get smaller with time, but approximately 1/3 will grow.